I’ve Never Been Home.

This is about a place that is in my blood and name but I am culturally separated from. I am Cypriot, but I am also  only Cypriot in the stories I’ve been told about a place I am foreign to. I visit Cyprus in the photographs my father took twenty years ago and the found textiles my great grandmother long ago embroidered. This is what I know of a place I’ve never been. And a self discovery of my Origen and culture through the few fragments I still carry.

Coast to Coast

The comparison between the East Coast and the West Coast has always sparked my curiosity. The way a place and an atmosphere impacts and translates in a persons character fascinates me. It is a process I want to analyze further. Using the wise words of Joan Didion and her reflections on the contrasting coasts, I created a series of objects that encompass an experience of the East and a separate experience of the West. This series allows the audience to use their own knowledge of each coast and my art work to understand the comparison and similarities between each region.

The Shape Of Water.

A pandora’s box that reveals the trials and tribulations of womanhood. Made with love and made with hate, the interior represents experiences woman go through, and personal experiences I went through in my transition from girl to woman.

The Sweetness of Nothingness

It is harder to be loved by what doesn’t meet the eye, because in the wandering search, your true reflection lies.

The way you poorly play guitar, and hug innocent trees, the love I feel for you is merely the love I lack in me.

So I patch myself up with what I’d always felt I’d need.

I fasten the quilt with blue thread, the color of the sea.

A love for earth’s movement I naturally possess, but It is in you I find the sweetness of nothingness.

Captured: the body & the archive

This photoshoot was a group collaboration. I created the concept for a black and white photoshoot, representing the relationship between humans and the body. The pictures were photographed by Mandy Bell.

The purpose of the random objects is to motivate the audience to digest the photographs at a slower pace. We live in a digital age where media is consumed at such a rapid rate and my goal for this project was to slow the pace you consume these images.

Accordion Photography book made from a collection of film and digital photographs taken in New York City. Depicts the juxtaposition between the urban and natural environments.



an abstract silhouette of a hoop dress




Art Activism